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Pinterest pin with title "House System 201: Maximizing This Classroom Management Tool" over a flatlay photo of the house system with hand drawn house crests, student house application, house system launch guide for teachers, and student reward coupons

House System 201: Elevate Your Classroom Management Tool

Let’s dive deeper into getting the most out of a house system as a classroom management tool. If you haven’t checked out the first post in this series, House System 101, give that a read first.

In this post, we’ll explore how to level up your house system to support you and your students with things like classroom organization, partner pairings, and student leadership roles.

Pinterest pin with title "House System 201: Maximizing This Classroom Management Tool" over a flatlay photo of the house system with hand drawn house crests, student house application, house system launch guide for teachers, and student reward coupons

Fostering Teamwork with Group Jobs

With students already collaborating within their class houses, this classroom management tool naturally lends itself to group jobs. These involve a set of tasks or responsibilities that the entire group is responsible and held accountable for. Students work together to accomplish their designated tasks and jobs are rotated regularly, similar to the use of individual student jobs. If starting group jobs in your classroom is something that you’re interested in, that blog post will help you get started.

Assigning House Leaders

Appointing a house leader each week adds a valuable leadership role within your classroom and can take a lot off your plate! These leaders can have various responsibilities such as distributing materials, assisting with class work, repeating instructions, or helping absent members catch up.

This not only provides students with a leadership opportunity but also helps the connections between house members grow even stronger. To ensure everyone knows who their house leader is each week, display house leaders on your house display.

Fun with House Games

Let the games begin! Houses can compete head-to-head in a variety of games throughout the year – who wouldn’t be up for that? Games can be played for pure enjoyment or make it more competitive and have houses play to win house points.

Whether it’s a soccer showdown, a round of charades, or even a multiplication face-off, it’s all about learning through laughter and a bit of friendly competition! House games are a great way for house members to work together and get to know each other. They make for great team-building activities, especially at the beginning of the school year!

At the end of the year, you could host a House Sports Day or Mini Olympics where houses compete against each other in a bunch of activities and sports.

Class Organization with Houses

Using houses to organize class materials is a simple but effective way to keep your class organized. Print those cute house crests and label away. Each house gets its own bin to store supplies! No more lost supplies or time wasted digging through a class bin. When Science notebooks are on deck, your house leaders pass them out from their house bin. 

Mix n’ Match Houses for Easy Partnerships

Quick partner pickin’ time? Try assigning partners with houses! Pair students up within their houses for easy partner groupings. Alternatively, allow students to choose their own partners, but within specific houses. For example, Eagles might find a partner within Elephants and vice versa. 

By incorporating these higher-level house system tips you will reap additional perks from this classroom management tool. On top of the benefits of a strong classroom management system you’ll also be nurturing a sense of community, supporting your classroom organization, and even adding a bit of extra fun!

Through teamwork, leadership opportunities, and a touch of friendly competition, this system is an invaluable classroom management tool. So why wait? Dive in and elevate your classroom management with the house system today!

The House System

Are you tired of the never-ending classroom chaos? The disruptions, the arguments, the struggle to keep everyone on track? Give The House System a try! It’s designed specifically for upper elementary.

With consistent use of this system, you’ll see a transformation in your classroom. The blurting out will decrease, the squabbles will dwindle, and you’ll witness a class that works together like a [mostly] happy family. Through the power of teamwork within each house, you’ll witness acts of kindness, hard work, and leadership skills shining bright.

Photo showing what's including the house system: hand drawn animal house crests, student house application page, house system launch plan for teachers, house cash, student reward coupons, house system bulletin board elements, etc

So, what’s inside? Everything you need for a solid classroom management tool that builds a strong class community. From vibrant bulletin board displays to editable student reward coupons, it’s all here. And the best part? It’s not just a one-time resource, it’s a complete system designed to use the entire year long.

Ready to turn your classroom into a place where students learn, grow, and blossom each other? Check out the Complete House System now!

Amber Evancio

Amber Evancio

I'm Amber Evancio and I currently teach grade four in Northern Canada. I'm passionate about helping teachers lead their classes with efficiency and love.


I’m Amber Evancio and I currently teach grade four in Northern Canada. I’m passionate about helping teachers lead their classes with efficiency and love.

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