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Pin Image with title An Endless Supply of Ideas for Morning Meeting with an image of classroom carpet, table with a plant on it, and grey canopy hanging from ceiling

An Endless Supply of Ideas for Morning Meeting

Do you find yourself stumped trying to come up with fun ideas for morning meeting? For a morning meeting to be what it should be (FUN), it’s best to take the heavy lifting out of it. Don’t reinvent the wheel. There’s no need for that when there are so many wonderful ideas for morning meeting out there. 

Greeting Ideas

Using the same greetings over and over gets old. I love to keep it fresh and try new ones as often as I can! Try out these 45 morning meeting greetings ideas. Allie at The Classroom Community Copilot has more greeting ideas for you. She follows a weekly greeting routine

Sharing Ideas

I like to use different sharing prompts every single day of the school year. That might sound like a lot but there are SO many possibilities! It’s amazing the things that I learn about my students over the course of the school year by listening to their responses. 

My most popular blog post by far is 105 Morning Meeting Sharing Ideas. Give it a read and you’ll be set for a while!

Pin Image with title An Endless Supply of Ideas for Morning Meeting with an image of classroom carpet, table with a plant on it, and grey canopy hanging from ceiling

Activity Ideas

In my opinion, morning meeting activities can be the most overwhelming to come up with. I used to put pressure on myself that it had to be a new, original idea every time in order for students to be engaged. But that’s not the case. Your students will have their favourites that they beg to do over and over again. Go with it! 

Try out these 9 easy to try morning meeting activities. The Classroom Community Copilot has 7 additional activities to try.

Still overwhelmed?

I get it. The first year I did daily meetings with my students I was constantly on the search for fun ideas for morning meeting. So, what did I do?

I hunkered down to plan an entire year’s worth of morning meetings. 

It was a long and tedious process but I am so excited to have my ideas for morning meeting all mapped out now. 

Want your morning meetings planned for you, too? Check out this Morning Meeting Slides BUNDLE to see if it fits your morning meeting needs.

Amber Evancio

Amber Evancio

I'm Amber Evancio and I currently teach grade four in Northern Canada. I'm passionate about helping teachers lead their classes with efficiency and love.


I’m Amber Evancio and I currently teach grade four in Northern Canada. I’m passionate about helping teachers lead their classes with efficiency and love.

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