My evening routine usually looks pretty similar each work day. After teaching all day, I’m usually beat so I keep my tasks and activities to a minimum. I’m my most productive and motivated self in the morning so I do the bulk of my work tasks and my workout. Check out my teacher morning routine.

Heading Home
On my drive home from school, I listen to a podcast. Some of my favourite podcasts are by Alissa McDonald and Jamie Sears.
I’m lucky as my drive is only about 15 minutes. Once I get home, I greet the dogs who are always so excited to see me. Sometimes, my cat is too. Cats are fickle.
I’m usually starving, so I have a quick snack. Most days, I like taking an after-school walk to clear my head and enjoy the outdoors. I love having this clear transition from my teacher day to my time at home.
Supper Time
I like to eat dinner pretty early so I normally start preparing my dinner around 5:00 pm. Afterwards, I clean up. If my husband is off, he cleans the kitchen. Obviously, these days are my fav!
I normally pack leftovers to eat as lunch the next day. During this time, I’ll also prep any snacks or anything else that I want to bring for work.

Time To Relax
Afterwards, it’s time to unwind. I do this by watching a show with my husband then reading a book. Reading is my favourite part of my evening routine. I find it very relaxing which helps me to go to bed early. I go to bed incredibly early since my morning routine starts at 4:45am.
My morning routine is pretty busy. If you’re a teacher, you know that our days are jam packed, too! My calm and easy evening routine helps to bring balance to all of the chaos.